Our college has an active Parents teachers Association. The executive committee with Sir Shobhanan. M as Vice President and Sri Dhaneesh. V Assistant Professor Dept of English as secretary worked effectively. The committee has chalked out a variety of programs for the year. The PTA has donated fans for all the classes. The group SMS System relating to the programs of the college to the parents was introduced in the college with the help of PTA. A cricket pitch was made in the college with the help of the PTA. This year on wards the PTA has decided to give away Rs 2000/- for the best students and Rs 1000/- for the second best student as academic proficiency prize in every classes based on their performance at the university examinations. The PTA also decided to give Rs 1000/- to all the students who won I st place at the university level arts and sports competitions. The practice of arranging class wise PTA meeting was also started this year. It was a great success and motivation for the students entire parents attended the meeting.